
Hacking the CoronaVirus... one cough/sneeze as a time.
#BuildForCOVID19 Global Hackathon /// 27-30 March 2020

Photo above by Kevin Bhaget on Unsplash

The Idea

A voice app (Amazon Alexa/Google Home/Apple HomePod) that detect people having a dry cough - guiding users to wash their hands afterwards and to take their temperature (if they are coughing more than 3 times a day or more coughing more than 1h - Covid19 symptoms according to the NHS)
The app will guide the user with medical instructions and alert local authorities & medical
staff if the cough and user’s temperature is getting worst - so they can respond.
It’s like Corona tracking BEFORE users even know they have corona.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Photo by Grant Ritchie on Unsplash

What We've hacked (and How)

Hack 1 - Getting Google Voice to ID user sneeze.

Hack 2 - Getting our hack to differentiate cough from talking.

Click on the picture above to see our entire working log of our hacka!

The Final Goal

We aim for Google/Alexa/Apple to integrate our hack and change the current rules (Trigger app only by words) for the health sake of their users and of course with their (GDPR lign) approval.Today Alexa & Google Voice & Apple Home "listen mode" 24/7 but aren't allowed to save the recordings.Achoo aim to change only what TRIGGERS (sneeze & cough) those Voice apps.

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

The Team

Muhammad - From Pakistan.
Manuel - From Germany.
Ankur - From India.
Nadav - From Israel.

Contact Us

To Take this hack ever further, feel free to contact us and help us make this hack a real thing to make a real positive change to humankind worldwide. #StaySafe

Thank You

DevPost - Orgenising the Covid19 Hackathon
Facebook For Dev (for sponsoring this event)
Dialogflow - For making seamless V-app setup!

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